Before i start my post today, i would like to sincerely apologize to all my blog fans whose been wondering and sending Emails asking why i stop posting on my Blog. It seems with every year my life gets more and more complicated, Between traveling and taking care of the family, its been hard to keep up with posting and maintaining my blog on a regular basis, but i promise i will try keep up. With that said, today i would like to share with you guys one of my favorite oldies from back when i was growing up. The artist is Emil Wakin Chau (周華健 Zhou Hua Jian) a Hong Kong-born Taiwanese singer and actor. From 1985, he has released more than 40 records in Mandarin, Cantonese and English, becoming an important name in the music of Taiwan and appealing to music lovers around the globe. His platinum albums such as You Make Me Happy and Sad, The Flowery Heart, Music Brings Us Together, and Emil & Friends have brought him numerous awards from Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore. And with his burgeoning international popularity, Wakin packs concert halls wherever he goes. His concert productions have remained relatively simple by Asian standards: usually no mirrors, no smoke or explosions, no colored lights — just Wakin, his guitar, and his backup musicians. Here is one of my favorite song from this talented artist.
周華健-其實不想走 (官方完整版MV) I do not intend to leave.
Along with his singing career, Wakin has appeared in a number of films and has hosted TV and radio shows in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore. Besides being a successful restaurant owner, he is also very active in international charitable causes, such as kidney disease charities in Singapore, the December 2000 all-star concert in Las Vegas, the January 2002 "Take a Deep Breath" concert in Taipei to raise money for local health-care organizations, and Beijing's 4th Grand Charity Drive for Children in 2005.